Saturday, March 24, 2012

Less Contained, More Abstract

I'm working on my new painting that I started last night.  I do love bright colors!  I wanted the painting to be centered around a clock.  I decided to paint a Dali-esque style clock because I want the feeling to be "spinning", which is how my head feels when I am processing and healing.  The painting is supposed to be about time healing wounds with a sunshine at the top (no, I will never get tired of painting sunshines!), sun rays to tear drops to blood drops, to a pool of blood and coming out of the sadness and pain, growth, reaching towards the sun.

I like it.  Which I've decided is the point of my paintings.  I stay true to myself for a while and then I am criticized and I re-evaluate, thinking I need to make my paintings more complex in strokes and style...but then I lose myself.  So, I am determined to continue painting what I like, what I feel, what makes me laugh and cry.  Hopefully people will get it.  My passion is less contained and more abstract.

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