I need to keep reminding myself that failure and set-backs are part of the process. I've had a few disappointments lately and I just need to keep painting and believing in myself.
Tomorrow I'm going to do an art festival at Seven Feathers Casino by Canyonville, Oregon. A few weeks ago, Gramma and I took up a trip up there to take photos. These are the images I decided to use, a covered bridge and wagon by Sunny Valley and an old barn on the way to Riddle. Note to self, time to paint some more tree photos. They work so good with building photos!
Just finished this painting. Of course, I asked Gramma what she thought of it. "It's my favorite one yet," (she says this upon each painting I complete), "but I think you should add more on the upper right." I think i learned my lesson on the last painting. Once I feel I'm done....just put the brush down! I like the negative space, although it's still busy with the texture, to me it gives the eye a break. Gonna leave it.
Well, after stumbling and second guessing myself, I decided to add more color to the painting, rather than subtracting. I did add a little bit of white to add some space to the bottom (where I had overworked the green). I think i am happy with the finished painting. It always takes me a few days to decide. I get used to seeing it from about a foot away while I'm painting it. Then when I step back and see the whole thing takes me a while to process. My walls are a constantly revolving gallery while i process. Poor Gramma!
Okay, this is midway into the painting, I painted a few more flower in and then I asked for input from Gramma (thinking I was finished and happy with it). She is so detail oriented. She said, the leaves are too little. She was right. But...I should know better than to overwork a painting.
So this is where I'm at now. Yes, the leaves needed to be larger, but now there is too much green. I'm going to set it aside and hope with fresh eyes in the morning it will either look better, or I can figure out how to save it. The problem is, not sure if you can tell from the photo, there is no underpainting or background. The white color is the texture. So, how to get rid of some of the overworked green without ruining the sketchy look I wanted? Would love input.
I set up a table display at US Bank in Jacksonville. They call it their "community display" and have a different local business set up a display for each month.
I put a display of Jacksonville Christmas Cards, as well as Halloween and some individual cards showcasing the US Bank building.
Willowcreek Gifts in Jacksonville is now carrying my necklace and card gift sets, Christmas card packages and magnets. They will also be carrying individual cards and magnets showcasing their storefront.
When I was in 2nd grade, my parents “dropped out of society”. They traded our middle class life for an Airstream travel trailer and 3 acres in the woods. We became hippies and lived off the land. My parents did not believe in television, we read books, raised animals and built tree forts and sword fern teepees for entertainment. I learned early on, that if there was something I wanted, I needed to find a creative way to get it. My mom still talks about the time I decided I was ready for my first pair of high heels. I didn’t request that we buy a pair, I just went out to my dad’s workshop and tried to carve them out of a 4" x 4" piece of lumber. I won't even pretend that they were pretty. But, if I want something, I still prefer to make it myself.
In my creative endeavors, I have jumped from publishing poetry to creating jewelry, landscaping and sewing clothing and accessories. I am currently working towards my bachelors degree in Interior Design. Through it all, painting has remained my first love.