Tuesday, August 30, 2011

In Process

Painting tonight. My favorite thing to do! My Gramma just told me that my "squares" would make great pot holders. ;) Now that....is the best compliment I've received all day!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Work in Progress

I'm finally making time to paint again! I'm always the happiest when I am creating. :)

Friday, August 26, 2011

Jacksonville Saturday Artists

Tomorrow I will be joining the Saturday Artists group at the Jacksonville Farmer's Market from 9-2. It's at the Jacksonville Museum Grounds at 5th and "c" streets. It will be my first event in Oregon, so I hope it goes well!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Firehouse 72

I'm so excited! Captain Steve from Firehouse 72 just purchased one of my paintings for their new LEED Platinum firehouse in Issaquah. It's going to hang in the tv room. I hope the firemen enjoy it! The painting is called According to What Pleases.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Celebrate Jacksonville in the Art - Nunan House

Today I worked on my idea of "Celebrate Jacksonville in the Art" with the Nunan House in my Sun and Tree painting, which is also the painting I use for my logo. I had to photoshop Immy into the image because the house is gated. I've decided to put Immy in each photo. You kind of have to know she's there to see her, although it will probably be easier to spot her when I print the images at 8x10 size.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Celebrate Jacksonville in the Art

This morning I walked Immy, as per usual and saw a little farmers market on the museum grounds in Jacksonville. I introduced myself to the artists who were showing their work. Turns out they have a little Saturday group that shows their work through the summer. They were all so welcoming and nice. I think I may join them on the 27th.

The following weekend is Labor Day and I will be doing Jacksonville Celebrates the Arts in the same location. After seeing their work, which was focused on the history of Jacksonville and seeing the weekend tourist crowd, I think I will update my artwork to meld history and abstract. For a while I've been pondering including famous buildings in my paintings via photoshop. I like the idea of the historic buildings contrasting with the bright colors I typically use.

So, tonight Immy and I walked around Jville and took photos of some of the historic buildings. I tried to put Immy on the porch in all the photos, you can barely see her though. I had to tie her to the porch post and then walk way across the street to get the whole building(s) into the frame. I also had a problem with cars since there was a concert at the Britt. So, I am going to pry myself out of bed really early tomorrow and try to get some more photos.

At this time I think I'm going to make necklaces and maybe some framed prints of the photoshoped images. I'm kind of excited at the possiblity. To make it even more fun (at least in my strange and bored mind) I'm going to call the series Celebrate Jacksonville in the Art. I wonder how it will be received. Hm..

The photo I'm attaching today is the Nunan House which is right behind my Gramma's home. If you walked into the backyard of the Nunan House and turned left you'd be in my Gramma's backyard. Well, you'd have to climb a fence and fight off the wicked guard dog (Immy). ;)

Friday, August 12, 2011

Updated Website and New Paintings

I'm so happy! I finally figured out how to update the "gallery" page on my website to show more of my paintings. My web designer seemed to think this would be an easy thing for me to do. Not so much. But I figured it out. Check out the new look of cammydavis.com.

I also just finished a few paintings and uploaded them to etsy. Nice to have some new work to post. I've been so busy with Gramma that it's been hard to find time for my art. Hopefully things will mellow out and I can refocus. I guess that's part of being a starving artist, doing what I need to in order to survive.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Issaquah Art Walk

The Issaquah Art Walk is today and I'm feeling a bit left out because my paintings will be in it for the first time and....I'm not there! These are some of the paintings hanging in Issaquah Coffee.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

In Process

I've been working on the studio today and also started applying texture to some new pieces. I love the in-process images. My goal for this week is to contact one retail store or gallery per day. I'm on track! My long term goal is to get in 10 retail stores by the end of the year. I'm up to 3.

It also just dawned on me that tomorrow is Friday. The Issaquah Art Walk. I wish I could be there. I have to remember to get up and post the coupon and some photos again in the morning.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

My Website

I spent most of today working on the gallery page of my website. Well, more like figuring out what I want it to look like, I don't do the technical stuff. I try, but usually get nowhere. :( This is how I hope it looks when finished.

I also worked on clearing out Gramma's garage to turn into my art studio. Sneeze. Tons of dust bunnies! I can't wait to get it set up and get creative again. I am used to sitting in my living room and painting but I don't want to put gramma's house through that, so am chomping at the bit to get to work.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Starving Artist

I just moved to Jacksonville, Oregon with the purpose of taking care of my Gramma so she does not need to live in a nursing home. Beyond loving my Gramma and wanting in some small way to pay her back for everything she's done for me, I also was "bribed" by my parents with the offer of Gramma's garage as my art studio. I'm pretty excited. Reading back from when I started this blog a year a half ago, my goal that I couldn't even picture, was to live a creative life. Slowly I'm getting there.

Also, quite a life change. I just got back from riding my Vespa (to save money on gas) to the Grocery Outlet (otherwise known to me as the cheap-ass-grocery-store) and realized I have become a starving artist!

But, on the subject of my art. I have 29 paintings hanging in Issaquah Coffee for the month of August and half of September. Very exciting for me, it's the first time I've had so many paintings hanging in one place. And, keeping my goal of supporting myself as an artist in mind, I bravely contacted the Issaquah Press and requested they do an article. They were receptive (shock) and are going to interview and photograph me on Aug. 18th. I'm excited, except for the photograph part. The "starving" part of my goal has not affected my body yet... :( It's hard to put myself out there, but I try to think of cammydavis.com as a separate entity from myself. It's the only way I can try and promote myself! Ooh, I also got the DDI Magazine today and saw my 2nd place project in print. Pretty cool!!